Stuart Bilverstone - AuthorUncategorizedIt’ll be the New Year very soon – What’s on the horizon?
Stuart Bilverstone - AuthorUncategorizedIt’ll be the New Year very soon – What’s on the horizon?

It’ll be the New Year very soon – What’s on the horizon?

I was toying with whether to write again this week. I published two blogs during Christmas week. Thank you for the feedback on A Christmas Ghostly Tale. I’m pleased that you enjoyed it


Walking Murphy this Sunday afternoon firstly got me out of the house for a little while and secondly got me away from a YouTube wormhole that I had gotten myself engrossed in—not that it was a bad wormhole to follow. I was researching a possible project I wrote about a couple of weeks ago.

I have been reading about writing thrillers (now there’s an oxymoron, I think) and the subject matter I’m considering for this project fits that genre perfectly.

But I have Christmas Mince Pies to complete. One of the reviews of my short story said, “Now get back to Mince Pies,” and for William, I owe you Mince Pies, so that will be my main driver for the next few months.

Yesterday, I liked my local library’s social media page. A friend had sent my wife a link to a writing event that I might be interested in attending in a couple of weeks. The algorithms picked up on that, and my timeline is now full of adverts for writing courses and opportunities. I may have succumbed to one of the offers from a trusted source. That experience may give me something to write about in a future blog.

As we stumble towards 2025, we all think about what the new year will bring for us. I look forward to the joy of writing fully coming back to me. It has been a bit of a tough last few months, and if I’m honest, I have been suffering from a bit of depression, I think. Fresh air and new projects are getting me back on course. There is no better feeling for a writer than having their fingers flash across the keyboard and the words flowing onto the screen.

As I am working over the New Year festivities, it will be very quiet, and I’m also working the following weekend. It gives me a couple of days on either side of the weekend, where I can devote more than an hour to writing. There is much to look forward to in 2025; therefore, there will be much to write about. I have yet to set a plan into OmniFocus, and when I do over the next few days, I will plan for the first quarter of the year and set a review date for the next quarter. Planning that way will give me a bit more control over what I’m doing and how things are going.

To finish this piece, may I wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year? I look forward to writing more for you in 2025 and even looking forward from the dying embers of 2024, I can sense I will be writing more in 2026 as well.

Hi, I’m jbjeupmy

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